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Nigerian Journal of Social Studies

Objective of the Journal.

The objective of the journal is to provide a medium for the dissemination of educational research and exchange of experience among academics, scholars, teachers and others interested in social education. Particular interest will be given to articles which explore new directions of approaches in the teaching of social studies.

Notes to Contributors

  1. The Nigerian Journal of Social Studies will consider for publication articles that deal with:
    1. The nature of social studies.
    2. Curriculum organization in social studies.
    3. Methods and techniques for teaching and learning social studies.
    4. Analysis of physical and social issues which can be used by the classroom teachers of social studies.
    5. Research reports and study in social studies.
    6. Innovation programmes and practices in social studies:
    7. Evaluation in social studies.
    8. Special interest areas, such as citizenship, global and international education, cultural awareness, human rights, environmental damage and environmental sustainability, peace /conflict resolution education, drug education, HIV/AIDS education etc.
  2. All articles are received on the understanding that they have not been sent elsewhere for publication consideration or have already been printed elsewhere.
  3. Articles are to be typed on A4 size double spaced on one side of the paper and should contain wide margins. Three copies of each article must be submitted. The length of an article should be a maximum of 3000 words or 12 to 14 pages. Do not include electronic copy at this stage.
  4. A short biographical note (30 words) on the author should be submitted along with the manuscript.
  5. A vetting fee of two thousand naira only is to accompany the article, payable in cash to SOSAN account.
  6. Articles and other enquires should be addressed to Editor

Typographical Layout

Title: This must be short and concise (no longer than 15 words), positioned at the centre of the page, in capital letters. It is followed by the authors’ names, institutional affiliations and addresses (including email address and phone number).

Abstract: This should consist of a maximum of 100 words and should capture the important features of the paper. It is typed single spaced italicized and put at the centre of the page i.e. indented. The word abstract starts at the left margin.

Headings and sub-headings: Please do not use more than 3 levels of heading, HEADING LEVEL 1: CAPITAL (12 POINT FONT) Heading Level 2: Lower Case (12 Point Font). Heading level 3: Italics (12 Point Font).

Quotations of more than three lines are to be indented and typed single spaced.

References: Literature cited must be arranged alphabetically. References in the text are given as Ogundare (1996) or (Ogundare, 1996) depending on context.
Where two authors are involved both names should be cited (Ogundare and Ogunyemi, 2006). Where more than two authors are involved, the citation should be written as (Ogunsanya et al., 2002).
When citing several papers by the same authors published in the same year, a, b, c, etc., should be placed after the year of publication. Each citation in the reference list should include the names of all authors, the year of publication, complete title, place of publication, publisher, volume number, and the issue number in brackets with inclusive page numbers.
References not cited in the text should not appear in the list of references and vice versa.
Website reference in the text should contain author’s surname and date and in the reference list it should include author’s full name, date, title of article, website number and date of access.
Unpublished data and verbal communications should not appear in the list of references, but should appear in brackets in the text, e.g. (Danladi, personal communication, 20/5/2006).

Tables: Headings inserted above the Table and numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3...)

Figures: Headings inserted below the Figure.

Numbering: In the text all numbers below 10 should be written in full words, and numbers greater than nine in digits. Paragraphs in the text should not be numbered.

Examples of references

Journal Ogundare, S. F. (1991). How social studies educators see the essentiality of their discipline for social mobilization of youth in Nigeria. Social Education Vol. 55 (5): 375-378

Book Barr. R., Barth, J. and Sharmis, S. (1978). The Nature of the Social Studies. Palm Spring California: ETC Publication.

Chapter in book Adaralegbe, A. (1980). The Nigerian social studies programme: retrospect and prospects. In, Nigeria Educational Research Council (Ed.). Social Studies Teaching Issues and Problems. Benin City: Ethiope Publishing Corporation.